Reflection on the Semester

After taking Media Law and Literacy, I have learned and improved my knowledge of many things in the world of law. Wether it was the Eight Values of Free Expression or the online footprint I have without even knowing it, this class has given me insight on the ways these laws work and also the down side to some of these laws.
My personal blogging experience in this class was a good one. Not only was I writing about assigned prompts, but I was also given the opportunity to write about topics I found interesting from Twitter such as NBA basketball and just stories that I felt needed to have attention brought to it.
My favorite part of this class was the fact that I was able to use blogging as a way of practicing professional writing and also writing about social issues I found appropriate. The reason this is so important is because it just proves that blogging can be used as a form of social movement or political mobilization.
The thing I found most difficult regarding the blogs was the deadlines. I failed to complete the blogs on time occasionally but that is something that I can improve upon in the future. I had a fun time in this class even though it only met once a week at 7:50.
Lastly, I would just like to thank Professor Smith for a great semester and I hope for all of my readers to have a great summer.
