Stop Racial Profiling

It is such a common thing in today's society to see videos or articles about the wrong treatment of minorities in this country. The most recent instance that I will be writing this blog on occurred in Boulder, Colorado, when police approached an African American man outside his house cleaning up trash.
It is one thing if he was just approached, but in this case and most cases involving minorities, back up is called, they are questioned, and eventually detained.  The reasoning for this man being questioned is the fact that he was, "in a partially enclosed patio area behind a private property sign" according to the officer involved. The man who is accused of doing something wrong explained he lives and works on the property and even provided police with a school ID. This is when the detainment occurred and backup was called. According to the officer at the scene, the suspect was, " unwilling to put down a blunt object."
What the object actually turned out to be was an object the man was using to clean up the trash. It becomes controversial because this man was taking out his garbage when all of the sudden officers came his way thinking he was a criminal. 
Police profiling in this country is a serious issue because both police and citizens feel threatened by one another. One of the officers involved in this situation had his pistol drawn and ready to fire. What I'm trying to get it is that just because somebody's race or ethnicity, they are not considered dangerous. Police brutality and profiling happen way too much and we all need to come together and figure out a way to bring it to an end.
