8 Values of Free Expression

The Eight Values of Free Expression are the rights provided to citizens to voice their opinions freely through writing, speech, other forms of communication. Out of the eight values, I believe Participation in Self-Government is the most important.
Participation in Self-Government is a suggestion that citizens will not make wise and informed choices in elections if candidates and proponents of certain policies are restricted in their ability to communicate positions. An example of this occurring is when 21 Savage, a rapper, went on to the Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon and performed a song from his upcoming album.
When performing "A lot", the first song on the album, Savage rapped the line, "Been through some things but I couldn't imagine my kids stuck at the border, Flint still need water, People was innocent couldn't get lawyers."
When saying these lyrics, Savage is criticizing the government and how Trump had passed a policy that would separate children from their families at the Mexican border instead of working on our own country and the issues within it such as the Flint water crisis and also the issues within our criminal justice system. After doing this on live television, Savage was arrested by ICE for over staying a visa, even though Homeland Security already knew about his illegal presence in the country.
21 Savage was targeted unjustly by ICE and the government because he spoke out about the issues in our country and how our government was not handling them correctly. This situation is an example of how all of these values of expressions are not actually freedoms given to us. This needs to fixed in today's society instead of continuing to pretend these freedoms are actually given to us.
