Water or Wall?

When you think about a crisis in the United States, what do you think about? Do you think about immigration, war, politics, or the issues that can be resolved quite easily? When I think about problems in the United States, one of the first issues to come to mind is the Flint, Michigan ordeal. Beginning in 2014, Flint switched its water source twice from Lake Huron, to the Detroit River, and finally to the Flint River. The reason for switching was because the Flint River is much less expensive. When the switch was made, the lead pipes and lack of water treatment contaminated Flint's water supply and affected over 100,000 people. In order to fix this national emergency, Flint needs $167 million but our main priorities in this country are focused on immigration and building a $25 Billion wall. It is much more important to care for our people in the country rather than keeping people out. This needs to be bigger news and our government needs to make the right decision in helping our citizens.
