Online Presence

It is scary to think that the government is keeping tabs on every person in our country. What is even scarier is how much information they actually have on us.
When I typed my name into Google, I had no idea what might come up. The first websites to come up were my social media profiles such as twitter and instagram, but also a sports recruiting website for lacrosse and basketball that I knew was out there, but after that, I had no clue. The next website that came up had my name and the names of all my family members. When I saw this I was not sure why all of our names had come up with so little information on the page. After seeing that, I was sure that I didn't want to explore deeper and find what secrets are online for everybody to see. It would be one thing if I was a professional and had information to give, but I am not and should not have my information out there for people to see yet.
I decided that I would switch to Google Images and see what came up there. To no surprise, it was just pictures of from my social media profiles and also pictures of me that we posted from my high school and also pictures of me playing sports.
It is scary to know that there are websites out there that can provide anybody with your personal information. I personally am not one of those people to Google the name of somebody else but I understand why the government keeps tabs on people in this country.
