Everyday User

One thing I like to do with my time is keep up with the latest basketball scores, see the latest breaking news, and laugh at funny videos. Boom! Twitter. The best way to do all three of these on the same platform is by downloading Twitter.
Twitter has become an extremely credible source simply because there are so many journalist and news reporters tweeting and posting videos. While there are credible sources all over Twitter, there are also people who say very far off things for attention, but that is part of the reason why Twitter is my favorite social media platform, the surprise factor.
My favorite part of Twitter is the fact that you can see anything at any moment, but that is all based on who you follow. This social media platform is mostly based on the individual's sense of humor, which I seem to have a dark one based on the things that make me laugh.
Twitter is revolutionizing the news industry and also the sports world due to its easy to use ability to live updates and short videos. Also most celebrities are on Twitter and it is a way to follow them and see what they are up to.
I use Twitter more than any other media platform because it has everything that I need. A know a lot of people who use Twitter, including my own father, but that does not make it for everyone. If you are very sensitive, I would advise downloading Twitter and using it with caution because you might be easily offended by some of the content people produce just as any platform.
